It is The Real Me Time

Where am I, now? (already dark even the night still young)
Sitting alone in  the middle of Taman Menteng, blogging, reading, watching around, enjoying every second time of my lonelines, with the headphone and music on my ears.
Even almost 1 month my mood so glommy and so apathy. But now I really enjoy this Me Time even only get 1 hour, because now I'm waiting my friend sholat Tarawih @mesjid Al Hakim. (Front of Keris Gallery), due to I get my period I cannot join teraweh..and runaway to the park.
Mmmh blank my mind. Don't think anything and just enjoying every molecul of 02 through my nose deep breath to the lungs.
sent fRom ♥Gege-nya Cici♥

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